Creating a successful computer project 

1. Explain what Project Management is 
=is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. A collection of linked activities and require a dynamic process to utilizes the appropriate needs

2. Explain the five Phase of the project  management lifecycle 
  • Project conception and intiantion
= During this phase, an  idea for the project will be carefully checked and determine whether or not it benefits the organization  and also during this phase the decision making team will identify if the project can realistically be completed 
  • Project definition and planning
=project plan, project charter a project scope to put on writing, outlining the work to be performed. During the phase, a team should prioritize the project, calculate a budget and schedule and determine what resource needed basically, it identify what are needed to do.
  • Project launch and execution
= During this phase, the task of the project are divided to a person that can handle that specific task and take action of it and what are the things or resources are need to execute
  • Project performance and control
=During this phase, the project are carefully monitored whether the project are following according to plan. 
  • Project close
=The finally phase, is the to check the project is done or not, the project are then evaluated by the task, plus it need an approval from the client. The project are then review what are the thing missing and what are need to be add so in the future those same mistake will not occur

3. Why is project management important, Give THREE of advantages of PM 
  • Map out a course of action or work plan 
  • Unique task (each task have different way to do it )
  • Help us to think systemically and thoughts (proper planning is a must )


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